HRI - Hitachi Rail Italy
HRI stands for Hitachi Rail Italy
Here you will find, what does HRI stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hitachi Rail Italy? Hitachi Rail Italy can be abbreviated as HRI What does HRI stand for? HRI stands for Hitachi Rail Italy. What does Hitachi Rail Italy mean?The based company is located in engaged in railroad manufacture industry.
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Alternative definitions of HRI
- Horticulture Research Institute
- Hotels Restaurants Institutions
- Horse Racing Ireland
- Human
- Harm Reduction International
- Human Rights Internet
- Horticulture Research International
- IBA Human Rights Institute
View 86 other definitions of HRI on the main acronym page
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- HRG Hackensack Radiology Group
- HCD Hilton Columbus Downtown
- HCDDS Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services
- HPSM Hyatt Plaza Shopping Mall
- HPG Health Perspectives Group
- HYGB Hartford Yard Goats Baseball
- HNR Honda of New Rochelle
- HFHC Home From Home Care
- HCG Human Care Group
- HCPGCP HCP Global Cosmetics Packaging
- HPRHSD High Point Regional High School District
- HIBI Howden Insurance Brokers Israel
- HTTSL Hong Thai Travel Services Ltd
- HIWT Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
- HCSPL Hummel Connector Systems Pvt. Ltd.